102 research outputs found

    GRUP GI-IDES:"WIKI" Noves tecnologies aplicades a la docència : l'entorn WIKI

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    Coordinador: Sergi Robles Martínez (Enginyeria de la Informació i de les Comunicacions). Membres: A. Vié i A. Villalonga (Art), J. Borrell, C. Fernández, F. García i J. Pons (dEIC), M. Freixas (Filologia Espanyola), A. Pèlachs (Geografia), M. Badia (Psicologia Bàsica, Evolutiva i de l'Educació), R.M. Sebastián (Química

    Securing dynamic itineraries for mobile agent applications

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    In this paper we present a novel mechanism for the protection of dynamic itineraries for mobile agent applications. Itineraries that are decided as the agent goes are essential in complex applications based on mobile agents, but no approach has been presented until now to protect them. We have conceived a cryptographic scheme for shielding dynamic itineraries from tampering, impersonation and disclosure. By using trust strategically, our scheme provides a balanced trade-off between flexibility and security. Our protection scheme has been thought always bearing in mind a feasible implementation, and thus facilitates the development of applications that make use of it. An example application based on a real healthcare scenario is also presented to show its operation

    Adaptació d'un sistema wiki per a la docència universitària dins l'eees

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    En aquest pòster es presenten les millores introduïdes en el sistema Wiki utilitzat pel grup d'interès IDES "Wiki" definides dins el marc del projecte "Noves estratègies d'aprenentatge en el marc de l'Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior: l'ús del wiki" concedit per la UAB. El grup "Wiki" utilitza aquesta plataforma des del curs 2003/04. Al llarg d'aquests anys s'han dut a terme més de 60 experiències, que ens han permès detectar els punts forts i febles de l'ús de la plataforma en la docència. L'objectiu del nostre projecte ha estat definir protocols i estratègies per a millorar la seva aplicació. Això ens ha dut a la necessitat de dissenyar i desenvolupar funcions complementàries que s'integraran a la plataforma. Aquestes noves funcions ajudaran d'una banda al docent, que podrà fer un seguiment més acurat de l'activitat de l'alumne i avaluar-la dins el propi entorn; i d'altra banda a l'estudiant, que tindrà la possibilitat d'indicar el temps que ha dedicat a cadascuna de les activitats desenvolupades en el wiki, permetent la validació de les estimacions temporals per part del professor. Tanmateix, s'han desenvolupat eines d'administració per a la creació automàtica de wikis, la gestió d'usuaris i grups, i el control d'accés. Està previst que durant el primer semestre del curs 2007/08 es comencin a fer servir les eines desenvolupades, en un grup reduït d'assignatures, per tal de validar el seu correcte funcionament i la seva utilitat. A partir del segon semestre del curs, es corregiran els errors i mancances detectats per tal de poder utilitzar aquestes eines en totes les assignatures on s'empra la plataforma wiki.This poster presents the improvements introduced in the Wiki system used by the "Wiki" Interest Group on Higher Education Innovation. These advances are defined in the project "New learning strategies in the European higher education space: the use of the Wiki", funded by Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB). The "Wiki" group has been using this platform since the academic year 2003/04. During these years more than 60 experiences have been carried out, which have allowed to determine the strengths and weaknesses of using the wiki platform for higher education. The aim of the project was to define the protocols and strategies to improve the application of this platform. This has lead us to the design and development of complementary functionalities to the wiki. On the one hand, these new features will assist the instructor to track the student's activity more accurately, and evaluate this activity within the very environment; on the other hand, the new functionalities will allow the student to indicate how much time she or he has devoted to each one of the proposed activities in the wiki, validating the instructor's time estimate. Furthermore, new administration tools have been developed for the automatic creation of wiki spaces, the management of users and groups, and the access control. A first pilot experience is scheduled by the first semester of the academic year 2007/08, in which the developed tools will be tested on a reduced number of courses. The objective of this is to validate its correct operation and usefulness in a real scenario. Starting by the second semester, the tools will be used on all courses using wiki after correcting the detected errors and deficiencies

    A gamification experience to improve engineering students' performance through motivation

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    The students' lack of motivation is a usual problem. The students value more the obtention of the degree than the developing of competences and skills. In order to fight this, we developed a gamification's experience based on merits and leaderboards. The merits are linked to the attainment of skills and competences that students usually do not appreciate. During the year 2016, we are carrying out a pilot involving 950 students at the Graduate of Engineering in Computer Science at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB)Peer Reviewe

    Metodología para el Desarrollo Automatizado de Aplicaciones Seguras Basadas en Agentes Móviles

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    En este trabajo presentamos una metodología para el diseño de aplicaciones basadas en agentes móviles seguros, y unas herramientas para aplicar esta metodología. Los recientes avances en el campo de la seguridad de los agentes móviles pueden desbloquear el uso de esta tecnología, pero falta aún superar la complejidad que suponen al programador de las aplicaciones. La metodología propuesta, y el uso de nuestras herramientas, permiten agilizar el proceso de diseño de arquitecturas criptográficas, y de los agentes que las utilizan. La implementación presentada es muy flexible, y permite utilizarse con cualquier plataforma de agentes que siga los estándares de IEEE-FIPA y que permita los esquemas de protección conducidos por agente.En aquest treball presentem una metodologia per al disseny d'aplicacions basades en agents mòbils segurs, i unes eines per aplicar aquesta metodologia. Els recents avenços en el camp de la seguretat dels agents mòbils poden desbloquejar l'ús d'aquesta tecnologia, però falta encara superar la complexitat que suposen el programador de les aplicacions. la metodologia proposada i l'ús de les nostres eines, permeten agilitzar el procés de disseny d'arquitectures criptogràfiques, i dels agents que les utilitzen. la implementació presentada és molt flexible, i permet la seva utilització amb qualsevol plataforma d'agents que segueixi els estàndards de IEEE-FIPA i que permeti els esquemes de protecció conduïts per agent.In this work a methodology for the design of applications based on secure mobile agents is presented, and several tools for applying this methodology

    Information System for Supporting Location-based Routing Protocols

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    This article presents an information system for location-based routing protocols that does not compromise the privacy of the involved nodes. This information system provides a representational model of the most frequented locations of a node, this most frequented zone is called its habitat, and a protocol to compare these habitats among nodes given a target location of interest. Then, the protocol can determine which of the neighbors of a node is nearer or farther from this target location and provides this information to the underlying routing protocol. As it is designed for DTNs, the protocol does not require a trusted third party, instead, it implements a secure multi-party computation based on homomorphic encryption. The protocol is demonstrated to be secure against passive and active adversaries.This work was partly supported by grant TIN2010-15764 from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación of Spain and by grant 2014SGR-691 from Generalitat de Catalunya

    Endeavouring to be in the good books : awarding DTN network use for acknowledging the reception of bundles

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    This paper describes an incentive scheme for promoting the cooperation, and, therefore, avoiding selfish behaviours, in Delay Tolerant Networks (DTN) by rewarding participant nodes with cryptographic keys that will be required for sending bundles. DTN are normally sparse, and there are few opportunistic contacts, so forwarding of other's bundles can be left out. Moreover, it is difficult to determine the responsible nodes in case of bundle loss. The mechanism proposed in this paper contributes to both problems at the same time. On one hand, cryptographic receipts are generated using time-limited Identity Based Cryptography (IBC) keys to keep track of bundle transmissions. On the other hand, these receipts are used to reward altruistic behaviour by providing newer IBC keys. Finally, these nodes need these IBC keys to send their own bundles. When all nodes behave in a cooperative way, this incentive scheme works as a virtuous circle and achieves a Nash equilibrium, improving very much the network performance in terms of latency. The scheme is not difficult to implement, and it can use an already existing IBC infrastructure used for other purposes in a DTN

    Corpus for development of routing algorithms in opportunistic networks

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    We have designed a collection of scenarios, a corpus, for its use in the study and development of routing algorithms for opportunistic networks. To obtain these scenarios, we have followed a methodology based on characterizing the space and choosing the best exemplary items in such a way that the corpus as a whole was representative of all possible scenarios. Until now, research in this area was using some sets of non-standard network traces that made it difficult to evaluate algorithms and perform fair comparisons between them. These developments were hard to assess in an objective way, and were prone to introduce unintentional biases that directly affected the quality of the research. Our contribution is more than a collection of scenarios; our corpus provides a fine collection of network behaviors that suit the development of routing algorithms, specifically in evaluating and comparing them. If the scientific community embraces this corpus, the community will have a global-agreed methodology where the validity of results would not be limited to specific scenarios or network conditions, thus avoiding self-produced evaluation setups, availability problems and selection bias, and saving time. New research in the area will be able to validate the routing algorithms already published. It will also be possible to identify the scenarios better suit specific purposes, and results will be easily verified. The corpus is available free to download and use